Road from Medical Article Translation to Journal Submission
(1) 翻訳
(1) Translation
MedicaLingual translators, many of whom hold doctorates in their areas of specialty, have long-term clinical and research experience in their fields of expertise that allows them to quickly perceive the author intension to clearly and accurately express the content and results of research in English. In addition to this important advantage, our translators have extensive experience in submitting papers to journals, so they are familiar with journal standards. They confirm the principles and intensions of the client’s work and provide translations that are compliant with specific journal style and submission guidelines.
(2) 英文校正
(2) Proofreading
Talented and highly experienced Native English-Speaking proofreaders with technical knowledge correct and rephrase texts to produce accurate English with impressive impact. In order to assure that the detailed nuance and research content intended by the client is achieved, our Native English-Speaking proofreaders and clients communicate through an effective and free-flowing Q&A system in either English or Japanese. Our proofreaders work closely with clients on questions of appropriate phrasing, grammatical issues, and the most effective ways to express the client’s ideas clearly and with the maximum impact. In addition, following this important process, we carefully recheck submission guidelines, edit texts, charts, tables and images to assure that they are completely compliant with the format required by specific journals.
(3) カバーレターの作成と書類の準備
(3) Cover Letter Creation and Documents Preparation
The cover letter submitted with papers to journals is a highly important document that determines the editor’s first impression and greatly influences the decision to move the paper forward for external peer review. Our Japanese and Native English-Speaking professionals use their extensive experience in paper submission to write concise and effective cover letters tailored to the content of each paper and prepare all the necessary documents at the time of submission to the target journal.
(4) リバイズ原稿作成
(4) Paper Revisions
When reviewers suggest changes in papers, we carefully translate the reviewers’ suggestions and quickly communicate this important information to the client. After the client has revised the paper, whether this means minor changes or major additions, we provide careful proofreading or translation to assure that the changes fit seamlessly into the revised paper, maintaining compatibility and flow of logic throughout the manuscript. Our staff’s ability to clearly understand the content of reviewer comments allows us to confirm that revisions to the manuscript are appropriate and complete, and allows us to provide valuable advice about the need for further revision prior to submission.
(6) 連絡・代理交渉
(6) Liaison & Negotiation
After submission of revised papers, our Native English-Speaking staff maintains cordial and professional communication with journal editors, and proposes the best way for the papers to be accepted. In the event a journal decides not to accept a revised manuscript, we contact editors to ascertain the detailed reasons for the rejection and provide advice to clients on resubmitting to the same journal or selecting another journal to maximize the chances for publication.